


True North are an Aberdeen-based organisation which provides advocacy, policy and communications advice to a wide range of companies in the private and public sectors.

We were delighted to be given the opportunity to work with them to create a new brand and identity.

They wanted to showcase the dynamic way they work with clients to drive forward change.


We looked to bring the messages of dynamism and collaborative partnership to life and used nature as our guide. The Patterns from fish tornados making their way through the sea were a real source of inspiration.

Our team worked though many creative sketches exploring ways to refine and hone the theme. The final design shows a fish tornado dynamically moving forward, the various colours of the fish were inspired by The Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis.)


The project was a tremendous success with the new brand being used extensively by True North in many of their communications, as they launch their new business.




Grand Gates design, manufacture and install beautifully hand-crafted gates. The company has an exceptional portfolio with a wide range of stunning designs crafted in a variety of fine metals.

As a long-term client, we were delighted to be given the opportunity to help develop a new identity for the brand. We were asked to create something which was fresh, modern and showcased the craftsmanship of their work.


A dream brief, we instantly explored creative ways to showcase the idea of fine craftsmanship with our original sketches and ideas. We homed in on the idea of using a metallic finish for the main concept, and after much exploration, selected a pale gold.

The logo itself was kept simple, with the letters GG being used back-to-back, and the words being written with a modern typeface.  We worked closely with the client to develop the tagline ‘Safety, Security and Style.’

Finally, the pale gold finish was carried through into a complimentary icon set.

The identity was brought to life in a number of ways including with a series of exquisitely crafted business cards from Glasgow Letterpress.


“We’ve been working with the loft for many years and in that time they have helped us to develop our values, brand our company and assisted with a series of different communications. It’s always a pleasure to work with them and see what magic they will create next. The team is inspiring with their creative talents and how they pull it all together to make sense. Highly recommended.”

Jamie Doak, Managing Director of Grand Gates Ltd




PMA Recruitment Services are a Glasgow-based organisation with a specialist focus in recruitment for the construction sector. They were looking to make an impactful introduction with their new brand as they launch their start-up business.

We were thrilled to be given the opportunity to work with them to create a new brand identity and were asked to create something that would help them make a splash in a competitive market.


Our team studied headline fonts from newspapers, activist signs and other high-impact communications. A preferred logo concept was quickly selected where we went with dramatically condensed letters, bold highly saturated colours and the little additional PMA emblem. We created a range of materials, including a mini brochure, with the logo beautifully captured in a SpotUV finish.

The highlight of the project was the production of the business cards which were 700GSM thick, set on different coloured cards. The characters were letter-pressed, QR codes added, a black foil print on one side and the incredibly intricate double-yellow foil pressed on the darker card. This guaranteeing the most vibrant yellow possible and an incredible conclusion to a truly beautiful business card design, produced by our friends at Glasgow Press.


A stunning new identity which has given PMA Recruitment Solutions the impactful introduction they were seeking.

“Benedetto and his team at the loft have been a key partner in getting our business up and running. They have supported us from the off from our brand design to our website. Offering a service we as a start-up business have been able to rely on. Should you need any support with branding, website design or modern ideas for your business, we would totally recommend the loft and their professional team.”

Craig Kenny, Co-Founder of PMA Recruitment Services




We were delighted to be given the opportunity to work with our long-standing client Resolvecall. They asked us to create a brand and identity for their new locksmith business & sub-brand ‘Resolvelock.’

Resolvelock would offer a fast, responsive and customer-focussed service, to both businesses and consumers. We were asked to create a bold identity, that was both memorable and eye-catching. The brand would be rolled out nationally.


We explored many different ways to communicate the main ideas – the locksmith service, speed, responsiveness, etc. After a series of concept presentations, we agreed on a dramatised typeface for the logo with a stylised key, to its side.

The typeface was styled with a heavier font and tightened character spacings. Subtle cues like broken lines were introduced, making the logo appear as if it’s moving while stationary.

Finally, the outrageous acid green was placed against a jet-black backdrop for greater impact.


A sensational result with a memorable brand being created. The identity has made its way onto a fleet of commercial vehicles and a holding-page website, with much more to follow. The loft continues to work with Resolvecall on the rollout of the new brand alongside several other projects.




The Glasgow Chamber of Commerce is an organisation that represents businesses throughout the city and, as long-term members ourselves, we were thrilled to be approached by their Deputy CEO Richard Muir to come up with a new identity for the organisation.

Richard wanted to create a bold ‘G’ for Glasgow constructed from illustrations of many of the city’s landmarks.


Having such a clear brief was an exceptional help, our creative team were able to instantly create eye-catching and visually bold concepts.

We quickly started with all of the famous landmarks of Glasgow – The Kelvingrove Museum, Finnieston Crane, Glasgow University, The Duke of Wellington Statue, etc..

However, instead of slavishly including every single landmark we could think of, we mixed our illustrations with elements of classic Glasgow culture – laughter, music, even the famous Glasgow weather. This created a more personalised type of logo.

We produced a range of identities based on the Chamber brand colours, including animated versions.


The Glasgow WeeG (‘weegie’ is a classic local term to describe Glaswegians,) has been an incredible success – it has been widely praised by everybody at the Chamber of Commerce, wider city and beyond.

“I’ve known Benedetto and the loft for the best part of 10 years and they positively brim with innovation, attention to detail and enthusiasm. They have a rare ability to turn creative outputs around very quickly and effectively. They intuitively understand us as clients and have been instrumental in creating one of our key identities and some vital member communications.”

Richard Muir, Deputy CEO of Glasgow Chamber Of Commerce




Levy & McRae are one of Scotland’s longest-standing, most respected and well-known legal firms with a reputation for excellence in litigation. Over the last 140 years, the firm has acted and continues to act in many of the largest, high profile and most complex cases which have come before the Scottish Courts.

We were delighted to be given the opportunity to design a new brand identity for the organisation. An identity which would forecast a number of changes to the company including a new management team, a move to new premises, and revised priorities moving forward.


We wanted an image which would be professional, meaningful and interesting yet understandable. A symbol which could be understood by clients and staff alike. The symbol of a light house most resonated with The Levy & McRae team.

We went to great lengths to ensure that the light house theme would be communicated in the most interesting way possible and many developments were explored with the final version being captured as a plan-view with the light reflections being formed to create a cohesive and strong identity.


We were delighted with the final results as were Levy & McRae. The identity heralded a new era for the firm and they currently use it to this day.




Atlas Hotels are an award-winning hotel operator with properties in Scotland, England and Wales. Formerly known as Somerston Hotels, they are renowned for delivering a fantastic guest experience.

We were delighted to be given the opportunity to help them create a corporate, but contemporary, brand identity to mark changes in the organisation including their new name.

They also wanted to showcase the dynamism, diversity and togetherness of their team.


We got to know many of the people that worked at Atlas and found that each of the different team members had personality, individuality and a real desire to help others. We also saw a togetherness and a desire to collectively drive the business forward. All ideas that could be built on.

Each of these ideas were explored graphically before deciding to use the image of a colourful shoal of fish, traveling rapidly in the water. All unique in their own way, all swimming together and crucially always in the same direction. A beautiful metaphor for the way the Atlas team works together.


Atlas were delighted with the new brand identity which was presented at a special launch to much acclaim.

“From our very first discussions, Benedetto and his team really understood what we wanted to achieve and approached the project with creativity, enthusiasm and professionalism. Despite a tight deadline, they delivered a first-rate corporate identity which has been whole-heartedly embraced by our organisation and which represents our corporate culture.”

Lesley-Ann Cardow, Group Marketing Manager of Atlas Hotels




Bridge2Business is a new programme introduced by Young Enterprise Scotland. The programme’s goal is to connect, support and inspire young college students into enterprise.

We were delighted to be given the opportunity to create a new brand and identity that would capture the spirit of entrepreneurship and appeal to both the students and the decision-makers of the colleges.


We worked closely with the Bridge2Business team to generate ideas that would tell a great story about the new organisation and what they were planning to do. Visual themes were built around words such as inspiration, connections, support, etc.

This led to a brand story of celestial navigation, and in particular the old maritime tale that ‘in times of trouble, the stars will guide you home safely.’ This was particularly relevant as every entrepreneur at one stage of their journey will hit rocky times and just have to rely on that little bit of fortune.

The use of the star constellation ‘Nashira’ which symbolises lady-luck gives additional meaning to the message.


The brand was launched in the Planetarium of the Glasgow Science Centre where CEO, Geoff Leask, told an audience (looking up at a room full of stars) about Nashira and the brand story we had created together.

“The team at the loft have been an inspiring, creative and friendly team to work with. Listening to our needs and having a real understanding of our audience ensured that their communications solution is absolutely spot on – highly recommended.”

Geoff Leask, CEO of Young Enterprise Scotland




SOCEX (The Serious & Organised Crime Exchange) is a highly influential national forum designed to bring the law-enforcement community together. Co-founded by our long-term client ‘Altia Solutions’ and ‘Think Different Events,’ the first conference, would be remembered with the ‘historic first’ hosting of three tiers of policing agencies – local, regional and national.

We were delighted to be given the opportunity to create a new brand and all subsequent communications for this inaugural event.


When creating the new brand name, ‘Exchange’ was chosen over ‘conference’ as a more accurate description of the type of event being hosted.

We wanted to emphasise the historic bringing together of three strands of law enforcement ‘into-alignment.’ We designed three circular network graphics of different sizes and combined them with an ‘X’ for ‘Exchange’ to form the main identity.

The network graphic would become the main creative theme for all of the event communications.

Co-Founders, Altia were also hosting the prestigious Keith Hughes Awards and a secondary identity was created for this too.


The inaugural conference was a huge success and the loft created all subsequent marketing communications for SOCEX over the next five years.

“When Altia decided to develop and be the lead sponsor of the ‘SOCEX 2015’ conference and the 10th annual ‘Keith Hughes Awards,’ the loft worked closely with us, and the event management company, to produce the unique branding for each of the events. They delivered excellent work within tight deadlines and the results were commented on very favourably by many of the attendees. The branding is being used for the 2016 events and I have no hesitation in recommending the loft to deliver innovative and interesting designs.”

Ian Watson, Managing Director of Altia Solutions, Chief Sponsors and Founding Partners of SOCEX 




Beeks FX VPS manage Virtual Private Servers for automated trading. The company is one of the global leaders, serving brokers who operate in the London Stock Exchange. Their managed ‘VPS’ allows individual traders a quicker, more efficient and reliable solution for transactions.

Beeks were acquiring a New York provider to expand their coverage and their management team wanted to design a new identity, build a new website and we were also asked to create an explainer-video too.



We wanted to showcase all of the company’s strengths with the new identity and this included the use of a dynamic ‘b’ for beeks, creating a continuous loop to show how the service actually works and inserting a hidden ‘map pin’ to highlight one of the significant parts of their offering – brilliant strategic positioning.

The data being fired out of a loop neatly shows the speed of their service and the same visual language is used throughout the explainer video, which has a clean, straight-forward design displaying the service offered by the company in the simplest way possible.

The final explainer video (produced by Alasdair Currie of XYZ Creative) can be seen at>>



The project was a tremendous success.

“The loft were instrumental in our re-branding exercise at Beeks FX, as we continue to grow our international business, they went above and beyond when working to a tight deadline. Our team enjoyed working with them, and it was a fun experience; however, threats of free Prosecco have yet to materialise!”

Gordon McArthur, CEO of Beeks FX VPS