Tag: Charity

MCR Pathways Infographic, Knocking It Out The Park!!

MCR Pathways Infographic, Knocking It Out The Park!!

Knocking It Out The Park!!

Many of you will know the incredible work carried out by the Glasgow-based national charity MCR Pathways. An organisation that helps young people, who are disadvantaged through no fault of their own, to realise that bit more of their undoubted potential. They do this in a number of ways, pre-dominantly by providing mentors who volunteer an hour a week at schools all over the country.

The charity has been going for quite some time now and year after year they just knock it out of the park in terms of their impact. 5,109 young people supported, over 63,000 mentoring hours logged, 82.9% of MCR young people progressing to college, university or employment compared to a national average of 69.1%.

We were delighted to be given the opportunity to support the organisation in pulling together some of these incredible numbers, stats and stories with a bold infographic. The design had to get a lot of information across, showcase the impactful nature of their work and also fit on one page. Designed at a very important time for MCR Pathways and testament to the incredible work of all involved, we were delighted with the final results.

MCR Pathways, An Hour A Week, A Lifetime of Impact!!


Benedetto is an enthusiastic creative and business person.

His journey has taken him from a career in car design through to his current role as the Founder of the loft – A Design & Branding Agency based in the heart of Glasgow.

He is honoured to manage an outstanding team, work with great clients and have a lot of fun mixing with so many inspirational people in business.

Doing The Right Thing.

Doing The Right Thing.

Doing The Right Thing.

Everybody knows Glasgow folks have one hell of a social conscious. That people are the heart and soul of the city. That it’s a city with a unique spirit and most of all a city that cares..

MCR Pathways is one of Glasgow’s finest inventions, an outstanding charity that gives disadvantaged young people the chance to create a better life for themselves. They’ve knocked it out the park year after year after year after year after year. Thousands and thousands of young people with better, happier and more fulfilling lives making their own dent in the universe as a result.

Everybody overlooks things, everybody makes mistakes, unintended consequences, everybody is human.

Come on Glasgow, let’s do the right thing, let’s re-open the budget, look a bit harder, dig a bit deeper and explore how you can give one of your most successful social programmes its funding back.

It’s the common-sense thing to do.

It’s the Glaswegian thing to do.

It’s the right thing to do…


Benedetto is an enthusiastic creative and business person.

His journey has taken him from a career in car design through to his current role as the Founder of the loft – A Design & Branding Agency based in the heart of Glasgow.

He is honoured to manage an outstanding team, work with great clients and have a lot of fun mixing with so many inspirational people in business.

New Sisco Website

New Sisco Website

Delighted to introduce the new Sisco website…

Helping prisoners, who are ready, to successfully integrate back into society is incredibly challenging work. Mentoring, coaching, listening, inspiring, problem-solving, dealing with trauma, addiction, the pain of the past, the fear of the future, temporary failing and then persevering and doing it all multiple times just to make a little progress – this isn’t work for the faint-hearted.

So it’s been an absolute pleasure to work with Natalie, Gary and some of the great folks at Sisco over the last 6 months. Funded by The Robertson Trust, Calma Group & The Weir Charitable Trust – Sisco is a small team of highly-motivated people who use all of the skills mentioned above and more to do great work helping prisoners begin the process of re-building their lives after jail.

You can check out more about what they do and the lovely new Sisco website we built with them at… https://sisco.org.uk/ or click here to check out the loft’s portfolio. 


Resurgence, Interview with Street Soccer Scotland Founder & CEO David Duke MBE

In the latest of our ‘Resurgence’ series, we are delighted to have a chat with Street Soccer Scotland Founder & CEO – David Duke MBE. In our short 25-minute interview – we get a great insight into how David has used his past challenges to better lead himself and his team throughout the crisis, the importance of resilience, how Street Soccer raised over £70,000 with their very first custom digital event, how there can be no more excuses by society for failing those in need after Covid-19 and why he’s optimistic about the future.

The series is brought to you by Glasgow-based design and branding agency – the loft.

Interview tic-toc

0 Mins | Introduction of Resurgence Interviewee David Duke MBE, Founder of StreetSoccer Scotland.

1 Mins | David speaks about importance of having something to do and keeping busy. Street Soccer was set up to bring people together – people that are experiencing various challenges – homelessness, mental health, recovery, addiction, etc..

2 Mins | Street Soccer delivers a range of programmes using football as a tool to get people involved then create positive opportunities and communities.

3 Mins | Helping People that are cut off – thinking and acting fast in terms of Covid restrictions. Worked with team to create a menu of support options about how they could help people dealing with the crisis.

4 Mins | Getting back to values and main purpose of Street Soccer – letting the team and people know that they are there. Making sure practical elements were in place.

5 Mins | Trying to keep people engaged, focussed and motivated – a wee bit of hope. Helping people with emergency transport, food or housing supplies, setting up a hardship fund. ‘Do as much as we can and be there for them.’

6 Mins | Socially distanced Sports Session. How has the people Street Soccer supported – reacted with everything that has happened?

7 Mins | Players are missing regular access to football and support programmes.

9 Mins | The key thing for everything – we need to come back together. We need human connection. We all need a hug. We all need to see people. Online is great. Digital is a help. But it’s not the same. And that’s the challenge.

10 Mins | Resilience is a key part of the make-up of the people they help. And in a lot of cases, resilience gained through hard times can be a benefit for dealing with experiences such as this. Coping mechanisms. Hoping to get back to normal as quickly as possible.

13 Mins | Coping Mechanisms – importance of a clear mind, control, a plan and being on your game.

14 Mins | Focus on the here and now, don’t look too far ahead, ‘things I can physically impact on, because in a lot of instances right now – we’re powerless. Don’t worry about the things you can’t control. Worry about the things you can control. Do what you can do to your best. Keep Focussed.’

15 Mins | Best way to deal with anxiety is to talk to a friend. We’re all experiencing stuff we’ve never experienced before. Most important to look after yourselves – if you can’t look after yourselves, you can’t look after anybody else. Switch off now and then. Clear the head.

16 Mins | Look after yourself so you can help look after others.

17 Mins | Big lessons for society. Key message is it’s great to look after each other in a crisis but let’s do that in normal times too.

18 Mins | Digital has really taken of with Street Soccer – raising over £70,000 with a digital event. There are new opportunities to create stuff – new offerings, etc..

19 Mins | Charities have pretty much ended rough sleeping due to Covid which shows how quickly we can react. Charity leaders can now flag up what we did during Covid – as a means to say we can impact change much quicker.

20 Mins | 1 in 4 children live in poverty before Covid. Scotland has a lot of work to do to ensure that everybody has a better quality of life. Best ideas come when you’re backed against the wall.

21 Mins | When back’s against the wall he performs his best.

22 Mins | David had to solve problems from a very young age and his plans for the next couple of months – get programmes running again, re-think the financial strategy, while letting the team do what they do best.

24 Mins | Need to have some kind of optimism about the future. There’s a greater cause here. If we all work together – businesses, government, charities, etc then we can realise a much better vision for the country.

Celebrating the design talent of tomorrow…. 

Celebrating the design talent of tomorrow…. 

This morning, we were absolutely delighted to once again support the young people of Glasgow, by hosting our 11th MCR Pathways Talent Taster. As always, we were bowled over by the incredible creativity, talent and skills of the students. As always, we shared plenty of laughs. And as always we finished in the afternoon feeling hopeful that we may have just played a part in helping to ignite a spark of potential in one or two of them.

These are some just some of the excellent works by Kiera, Maria, Daniel and Joel. A huge thank you to Jack and Jade – who were absolutely magnificent this morning too.

And finally for most of my friends in the creative sector – design, branding, video, etc… Young people are really, really interested in what we do so if you can spare some time, please help out and get involved too. Send us a message for more info or contact MCR Pathways

Thank you.




Benedetto is an enthusiastic Creative and Business person.

‘Design with soul’ may be the company tag-line, but to Benedetto, it is a way of life. He believes that creative and commercial enterprise is about purity of thought, honesty of construction and boldness of execution.

He believes in bringing out the true essence of human endeavour and considers his job of articulating the great work of people and companies an absolute privilege.

His journey has taken him from a career in car design through to his current role as the Founder and Creative Director of the loft, a branding consultancy in Glasgow.

He is honoured to manage a great team, work with great clients and have a lot of fun mixing with so many great people in business