


Obesity Action Scotland are a Scottish-Government supported organisation which helps to promote healthy eating and better lifestyle habits. They had been carrying out significant research over several years and were looking to showcase their findings to the Scottish Parliament.

Their main findings were that carrying extra weight had a heavily detrimental effect on the human body – obviously the heart and lungs, etc but also unexpectedly on organs such as the brain and even eyes. There were also wider dangers with diabetes and cancer.

We were asked to highlight this research by creating a memorable health campaign which features an eye-catching infographic.


We presented many different ideas, but eventually agreed with the organisation to develop a more humorous concept.

‘The Organg’ was a gang of over-worked organs of an unhealthy person. Each had their own personalities – Bonnie Brain, Hamish Heart and co. They were joined by nasty characters such as Devlin Diabetes, etc.

A range of campaign materials were created for the organisation including a ‘Top-Trumps’ inspired infographic.


“Obesity Action Scotland worked with the loft to develop a series of graphics aimed to deliver health messages. The whole process from presenting wide range of ideas to choose from, to narrowing down the concepts, to fine tuning the final product, was easy and enjoyable. the team was very professional, approachable and easy going with plenty of initiative. Working with the loft team was a pleasure, thank you!”

Dr Anna Strachan, Policy Officer of Obesity Action Scotland




Portal Security are a rapidly growing security company with offices in Glasgow and London. The organisation provides a wide range of customer-oriented services including Mobile CCTV Towers, Events Manned Guarding & Front of House Security.

They were celebrating their 10th anniversary and were looking for creative ways to celebrate this important milestone. As a long-term client, naturally, we were delighted to help…


We jointly decided on a timeline infographic to showcase the growth of the organisation over 10 years, we wanted to mark the significant milestones of the past decade.

We combined a variety of medias – photographs, graphics, headlines, short information notes, etc, the timeline was tilted upwards to symbolise the growing nature of the company.

To ensure the graphic was effective in reaching as many people as possible – the stories were divided and re-formatted to share as part of a social media campaign.

Also, two complimentary explainer videos were created.


The entire campaign was a tremendous success.

“We’ve been working with the loft for several years now and they helped us to celebrate our 10th anniversary with a great infographic summarising our company’s exciting history until now. The infographic was very nicely done and eventually became an effective set piece campaign for our social media marketing throughout the year. Highly Recommended!”

Declan Goldie, Operations Director of Portal Security


“Portal have been working with the loft for more than 5 years now. We have always found them great to work with. They’re innovative, creative and never miss a deadline. We look forward to our continuing partnership.”

Michael Goldie, Managing Director of Portal Security




The ESG European Institute is an Italian organisation promoting best ESG practices. Their work helps to inform companies of new legislation and how to make the transition to more compliant reporting.

With the announcement of significant new rules, Vice President Letizia Macrí asked us to create an infographic to communicate those updates to members.

We were asked that the infographic had an uplifting theme and that versions be created in both Italian and English languages.


The team decided to create an infographic featuring a dramatic illustration of a modern cityscape. We modified a stock illustration showcasing a modern cityscape with many of the elements of a more sustainable future – wind turbines, solar panels, etc.

A number of measures were taken to ensure that the vast amount of information could fit on the design as effectively as possible.


A wonderful result. We continue to collaborate with both the Institute and particularly Letizia Macrí.

“We were honoured to have the opportunity to collaborate with the Benedetto and the loft. Benedetto is a person of the highest intellectual level and he and his team are magically able to translate words and concepts into art.”

Letizia Macrí, Vice President of ESG Institute Europe




Inspiring Scotland are a national charity working towards creating ‘a Scotland without poverty or disadvantage.’ One of their flagship programmes is ‘Cashback,’ a Scottish Government-supported programme where the proceeds of crime are re-invested back into local communities.

We were delighted to be given the opportunity to work with Inspiring Scotland and The Scottish Government on a new infographic to showcase the success of this programme.


We wanted to create something which made more real, the very positive outcomes of ‘Cashback,’ more funding for facilities, training and skills development for young people.

We worked with the client to create a ‘sim-city’ style illustration of a neighbourhood supported by ‘Cashback.’ This was combined with a slightly more formal presentation of other statistics and stories presented as high-quality words and graphics.

Great care was taken to integrate the two very different parts of the artwork effectively in the final piece.


The ‘Cashback’ infographic has been tremendously well-received by the team at Inspiring Scotland. It can be found framed on the walls of the Scottish Parliament and has also been used by the organisation as part of their wider marketing.

We were delighted to be given the opportunity to work on a second infographic for ‘The 14:19 Fund,’ another successful programme, just a few months later.





Lynkeos is the first company in the UK to specialise in the field of muography, which addresses some of the most complex technical challenges facing society today.

We were delighted to be asked to create an infographic which outlined the various uses of their technology, something that could be engaging to a wider audience and as easy to understand as possible for potential clients.


Lynkeos had a strong vision of the infographic design which allowed us to focus on exploring the most effective layouts possible. We decided on a landscape comprising of air, land, sea, and underground. Each ‘section’ would house miniature scenes showing where the technology is used.

We decided on a minimal style to make the final graphic user-friendly, digestible and as an addition to the infographic, we created individual artwork scenes for Lynkeos to share on social media.


“What we do at Lynkeos is unique. We use naturally-occurring background radiation from cosmic rays to image inside lots of weird and wonderful things. We went to the loft with an idea to help explain to potential customers what our technology can do… and they brought it to life! The team at the loft has been an absolute pleasure to work with and the infographic they produced for us is truly out of this world. Cheers!”

Dr. David F. Mahon, Managing Director of Lynkeos




Scottish Leather Group is one of Europe’s leading leather companies and the largest leather manufacturer in the UK. The company have had a range of real sustainability success stories over the past years and had begun to share this with their annual sustainability report.

Having produced the 2016 report, we were delighted to be asked to produce a new variation for 2017.

As part of a wider five-year-plan, they were looking to reduce the amount of ink, use less paper and further the transition from print to digital. All in the spirit of sustainability.


The 2017 brochure was designed with the progressive journey to digital in mind. The overall colour theme is white, using significantly less ink than previous brochures and is smaller in size. Printed on uncoated paper, we selected a cleaner text that is easier to read and the photographs have been muted by reducing the opacity, again using less ink.

The whole look and feel is a lot lighter, with minimal infographics used to communicate strong stories and people development.


The 2017 Sustainability Report builds successfully on the previous year whilst moving the organisation towards a digital future.

“Production of our Annual Sustainability Report used to be one of the most stressful jobs in the marketing calendar due to its complexity and a tight deadline. This year it was stress-free, thanks to everybody involved, including the loft. It is a marked improvement on earlier versions and the introduction of infographics has transformed this publication.”

James Lang, Group Marketing Director of Scottish Leather Group Limited




The Glasgow City Marketing Bureau was set-up in 2005 to help build economic activity for the city of Glasgow. After a ‘decade of success’ they asked the loft to design an infographic which would breathe life into the numbers which showcased their remarkable achievements.

We were asked to create a high-impact visual which would give their team a reference for presentations with the final design being featured by both the local and national press.


Statistics like £1.2 Billion – the value of business tourism secured, 504 new conferences and being named the UK’s best Convention Bureau 9 years in a row were all highlighted amongst others with bespoke graphics and typography.

They were designed around an iconic skyline including many of Glasgow’s famous landmarks and the distinctive rubine red of the ‘People Make Glasgow’ brand was used as a pre-dominant backdrop colour.


The final infographic was featured by the press during the week-long celebrations and there have been several variations since. It has been very well received by everybody both inside and outside the Glasgow City Marketing Bureau.




Scottish Leather Group are one of Europe’s leading leather producers, they’ve made significant investments over many years to improve the sustainability of their organisation and have a wide range of achievements. These include one of the lowest carbon footprints for leather production globally.

The organisation was looking to tell their story in a stronger way and we were delighted be asked to produce their Annual Sustainability Report. We were asked that the report make a real step forward visually and that it include story-telling infographics.


As requested, infographics were used to beautifully showcase the company’s more impressive results – a reduction in C02 emissions, reduced water waste and a more efficient use of resources.

We produced beautiful art-directed photography of the factory and worked closely with the entire team at Scottish Leather Group to include interviews of various staff members, giving a more personal approach to the overall report.


The project was a huge success. In addition to the printed report, there was a digital version and much of the content created was shared on social media as additional campaigns.

“Production of our Annual Sustainability Report used to be one of the most stressful jobs in the marketing calendar due to its complexity and tight deadline. This year it was stress-free, thanks to everybody involved including the loft. It is a marked improvement on earlier versions and the introduction of infographics has transformed this publication.”

James Lang, Group Marketing Director of Scottish Leather Group Limited




The Prince’s Trust Youth Business Scotland Growth Fund is an enabler of growth for many of Scotland’s young entrepreneurs.

The statistics are impressive: ‘£31,000,000 of revenue from a £3,000,000 investment,’ ‘274 awards to 249 businesses’ and ‘over 400 new jobs created.’

The loft was asked to create an infographic to raise awareness of these impressive statistics for the organisation.


We worked closely with Evelyn McDonald and other businesses supported by ‘The Growth Fund.’

During our discussions, it became apparent that the mentoring and peer-to-peer assistance was a significant part of the organisations’ tremendous success.

We used ‘the animal kingdom’ as the central theme to create an eye-catching infographic that would communicate tangible information as well as the underlying story of the Growth Fund and its achievements.


“The loft is a delight to work with; the team are dynamic, creative and extremely likeable. A real pleasure to do business with and I am thrilled with the result!”

Evelyn McDonald, Head of Growing Businesses, Prince’s Trust Youth Business Scotland




‘Quality of life for people in today’s society is undoubtedly affected by their level of Digital Enablement.’

These were the words of Stuart Macdonald, Managing Director of Seric Systems.

‘Uploading a CV,’ ‘speaking to relatives on Skype’ or ‘purchasing products online’ are some of the many actions that can be taken for granted by many of us.

Seric Systems, alongside their partners IBM were looking to address this problem and looking for a visual they could use to raise awareness of the problem and the potential solution. The final communication would be used by both organisations in their dealings with local/central government.


We worked closely with Seric Systems and IBM to create an infographic. We were inspired by a Scotland where every citizen is ‘digitally-enabled’ and the final infographic is divided into a number of sections that highlight the nature of the problem and the steps that can be taken.

You can see the full infographic here.


The final visual has been produced in both digital and print formats and was used to lobby the Scottish Government.

“I really like the loft, their understanding of the brief, level of creativity, and quality of work have all impressed me. They are also a good bunch and are very easy to work with.”

Stuart Macdonald, Managing Director of Seric Systems