Category: VIDEO




Alan Meldrum is the Global Vice-President for Client Services of Percepta. A real leader in his field, he had given a range of outstanding talks in a number of different forums over the past year or so, and such were the positive responses from the audience, he was looking to share his views with a wider audience.

We were delighted to be given the opportunity to do a one-to-one interview where Alan shared his ideas on world-class customer (and employee) experiences. The interview would be used by Alan to share internally with his colleagues at Percepta and online too.


We wanted to capture Alan at his most authentic and put the emphasis of the video interview on the ideas he was sharing. We had designed a set of questions that would allow Alan to re-share the examples he had given in previous seminars.

The interview was broadcast in a busy coffee-shop where we shot Alan from multiple angles. The final interview was broadcast as both a full-length publication and as shortened clips on YouTube to drive people to the full broadcast. The video shown above is Alan sharing his views on ’empowered employees.’

Boardman Media carried out all of the video production and editing work.


A real success, the videos were widely viewed, liked and shared on social media. Alan has since been able to build on his dialogue of ‘frictionless customer experience,’ something that we continue to enjoy supporting him with.

“We worked very closely with THE LOFT for many years and they brought so much value to our global organisation in many different ways. Everything from overhauling our digital presence to supporting what we do with large automotive OEMs, even working very closely with myself to re-think how we present our own company’s position, philosophy and expertise. They’re always brimming with energy, ideas and a service-oriented approach to what they’re doing. We became so close, at one point, they even moved in. Very enjoyable to work with and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to others.”

Alan Meldrum, Percepta Global Vice President of Marketing, Sales and Client Services





Beeks FX VPS manage Virtual Private Servers for automated trading. The company is one of the global leaders, serving brokers who operate in the London Stock Exchange. Their managed ‘VPS’ allows individual traders a quicker, more efficient and reliable solution for transactions.

Beeks were acquiring a New York provider to expand their coverage and their management team wanted to design a new identity, build a new website and we were also asked to create an explainer-video too.



We wanted to showcase all of the company’s strengths with the new identity and this included the use of a dynamic ‘b’ for beeks, creating a continuous loop to show how the service actually works and inserting a hidden ‘map pin’ to highlight one of the significant parts of their offering – brilliant strategic positioning.

The data being fired out of a loop neatly shows the speed of their service and the same visual language is used throughout the explainer video, which has a clean, straight-forward design displaying the service offered by the company in the simplest way possible.

The final explainer video (produced by Alasdair Currie of XYZ Creative) can be seen at>>



The project was a tremendous success.

“The loft were instrumental in our re-branding exercise at Beeks FX, as we continue to grow our international business, they went above and beyond when working to a tight deadline. Our team enjoyed working with them, and it was a fun experience; however, threats of free Prosecco have yet to materialise!”

Gordon McArthur, CEO of Beeks FX VPS