Hi folks, welcome to the Loft’s weekly news. This week we shall briefly discuss the progress of our Social Media Event ‘Future Forward.’ But primarily we would like to use this week’s blog to put the loft into the spotlight and show off some of the projects we have been working on in the last 3-6 months. We hope you enjoy…
Loft In Spotlight…
We are almost into the fifth month of writing these weekly news blogs, so we thought we’d take this chance to show the level of visual quality and versatility of our own work. As can be seen from below, we define a clear message with every piece of work and genuinely treat no two projects the same. There will be some in-depth design stories to come in the following months but in the meantime. We hope you enjoy looking at our work…
Freak Dem
‘FreakDem = Fashion + Meaning’ This is the message on Freak Dem’s Twitter account, it kinds of says it all… We were approached by Freak Dem to design a ‘crest-style’ logo. After some attempts to design a traditional crest based logo. We opted for something much more radical. The logo is based on the spread of positive energy which is derived from the ‘sun’ based centre which spreads to create a phoenix acting as a symbol of hope. The logo is deliberately very symbolic and will complement the Freak Dem website due out later this year… You can follow Freak Dem on Twitter @ChiqueFreakDem
The Team
The Team is the personal training company. We were approached by Nadia of the Team to design a brand identity and corresponding poster/flyer for one of the Team’s new fitness classes. ‘Wonder Weightloss.’ We took the idea of a lady using some of the various exercises you can expect at the ‘Wonder Weightloss’ class with the parallel image of her slimming down as the concept. We then produced the various posters/flyers to support the artwork. We shall be unveiling the Team’s new website in the forthcoming month, you can follow Nadia @thedemarco
Get Giggin
One of our most recent projects, We were approached to design a logo and poster for new company ‘Get Giggin.’ They are a web-based company that shall assist young bands and venues co-ordinate their activities to produce the only place to know where to find local, unsigned bands. It promises to be a great business. They kindly allowed us to present these pieces of work, despite not having all of their details finalised on the posters, just in case you cannot find the details online. However, we are immensely proud of the grungy logo and poster designs.
At the Loft, we made a decision last year to donate design work to a charity on an ongoing basis. One of the charities we have worked closest with has been PSYBT who we have assisted in creating a sub-brand ‘Elevator’ for their excellent bi-monthly networking event. We have also designed the twitter account for their Glasgow branch and we shall be assisting them with their new e-newsletter system soon… You can follow PSYBT @PSYBT_GLASGOW
Making Trax
Making Trax are a great new company that takes school kids on sports tours all around the world. We were approached to design the branding and website. We created a dynamic logo that has actual ‘tracks’ at the heart of its identity. For the website, we wanted to instil a travelling theme and made use of a range of images to support this… You can follow Making Trax @MakingTraxLtd
Aillum Marketing
One of our clients and co-collaborators. Aillum Marketing are one of Glasgow’s finest online marketing companies. A couple of months ago, we began co-developing a range of new services as part of our ‘Violence of The New’ projects. These new services included amongst other things a mobile site and facebook customisation where Aillum would provide development assistance to complement the Loft’s design skills. The following images show the results of our design work which have almost been fully realised… You can follow Aillum Marketing @aillum
Renfrewshire Pubs
One of Aillum’s own projects is the pubs website ‘Renfrewshire Pubs.’ We were approached by Aillum to design a logo for Renfrewshire Pubs and also to freshen up the design of their website. You can check out Renfrewshire Pubs at http://www.renfrewshirepubs.co.uk/
Thierrys Blog
One of our most enjoyable projects recently has been to re-design the blog for wine supplier Thierry’s of Hampshire. Thierry’s take their blog very seriously with wine expert Pieter Rosenthal posting regular updates almost daily. We shifted the blog onto a WordPress platform and it played a significant part of the London International Wine Fair, which Thierry’s and Pieter were generous contributors. You can follow Thierry’s on Twitter @thierryswine Or follow Pieter Rosenthal @pieterrosenthal
One really interesting project recently has been to design the website for Coffeze. Scotland’s first coffee drive-thru. The site will go live very soon at www.coffeze.com Or you can follow them on twitter @coffeze
Aperture Marketing
We were delighted to finally work with Brian Canavan and Aperture Marketing a couple of months ago, when asked to design two banners and post-card for Aperture Marketing’s stand at the Edinburgh B2B show. We wanted to get across that Aperture Marketing are the perfect company to help provide strategic direction and guidance with a myriad of various marketing activities available. You can follow Aperture Marketing @aperturemarket
Maxwell Bruce
Finally, although just over a year old and not a recent project. We are exceptionally proud of the website we designed and built for recruitment company Maxwell Bruce. We think it looks like no other recruitment company website you’ve ever seen. Generous praise must go to the exceptional development skills of Robbie Donaldson who developed this site in record time. The site can be found at http://www.maxwellbruce.com/ Robbie can be found at http://www.rabmcnab.co.uk/
Funny ones
And finally, as the resident design company in our Bothwell Street Studio. We are occasionally asked (usually by Jeff Horner of The Go Group) to Photoshop the odd one-off funny poster for our friends and neighbours at the Go-Group, Business Gateway or PSYBT…
Just some harmless fun, enjoy!!
Future Forward
We dedicated the majority of last weeks news blog to Social Media Week in Glasgow, so we shall only mention it briefly this week. Indeed, this week have had two further exciting pieces of news to confirm about our event ‘Future Forward.’
The Loft is absolutely delighted to welcome Jim Henderson of Shirlaws Business Coaching onto the bill for the event. Shirlaws are a fantastic company and one with whom we share a number of important values, predominantly in building businesses with passion. Shirlaws are passionate about business in a way that we are passionate about design. We are convinced Jim will give a compelling and interesting presentation on the evening as well as play a significant part during the day-time workshop.
Secondly, we are delighted to confirm Hera Hussain as our social media hostess for the day. Hera shall be representing I A Cubed as well as her new enterprise Build Your Momentum at the event. Hera brings supreme expertiss in the field of social media and shares our desire to push boundaries with this event. When discussing the event with Hera, I told her that the event in line with our philosophy, must be ‘designed with soul.’ To which the reply ‘social media with soul’ came back. Watch this space…
Along with our partner companies, we are certain that ‘Future Forward’ will be a very special event. We hope to announce further details next week…
Have a great week folks…
You can follow the Loft on…
Facebook http://on.fb.me/ejMqSi
Twitter http://bit.ly/i55gEo
Linkedin http://linkd.in/hpTwdn
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