Who wants to create some business card envy, some stationary admiration or just a few admiring glances from your customers, your staff and other people who come into contact with your business? Your identity goes everywhere – your website, your sign, the business card, the shop-front, the factory floor, too. What’s more, engage in a large acquisition – it will be on the press release, taking part in a joint venture – it will be on all the marketing materials. Looking to be taken more seriously? You need a serious identity design.

Does yours make people quietly curious to find out more or does it make people want to run a mile? Is it a beautifully professional mark that you love to tell people about or something that is better off hidden away?

At the loft we create identities that tell a story, we make sure they truly represent what you do and who you are, we design them to work both digitally and for print, to work big or small and to be flexible enough for all of those areas in between.

Finally, we make sure that everybody that sees your logo, loves your logo. Does yours look tired and in need of some life, or would you like to start again with a blank sheet of paper. Either way, please don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more our identity design services.



Bridge2Business Identity Design >>>


Atlas Hotels Identity Design >>>


Altia Solutions Sub-Brands Identity Design >>>


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