Drink Baotic is a UK-based company. They produce prebiotic drinks based on the Baobab super fruit from The Gambia. Their drink is dairy free, gluten free and comes in four unique flavours. It has a truly distinctive taste and is packed with nutrients exceptional for gut health and overall well-being.
As Drink Baotic were aiming for national (and eventual international) expansion, the organisation were looking for a strategic retail branding overhaul. We were delighted to be given the opportunity to assist.
The results were emphatic with updated retail branding helping Drink Baotic to…
– Attract greater interest from ‘targeted’ investors.
– Get their drinks onto the shelves of several national retailers.
– Bring more fans to the brand online and offline.
Our worked focussed on creating sector-leading packaging design solutions. This was achieved by…
– Creating a strong visual identity celebrating Drink Baotic’s Gambian roots, in a modern way.
– Producing a highly evocative and story-telling logo design.
– Crafting a hieroglyphic-inspired patterned background.
– Designing Baobab themed icons.
– Intelligently integrating the vast no of positive health benefits of the drink into the packaging designs.
– Repurposing each of the ideas above across all packaging solutions and social media channels.
Looking for a Successful Retail Branding Solution? Let’s Talk.
Throughout this process, we implemented the following, with each action buying up crucial millimetres of spaces.
– The creation of ultra-high quality assets such as the logo and textured pattern created a strong visual hierarchy which gives a stronger impression of space.
– The use of headings and sub-heading provide more visual structure, again giving designers more space to play with.
– The mixing of different font styles and sizes once again created more dynamic compositions freeing up space to include more information.
– Finally, small items such as ‘I’m Fruity Please Shake’ being layered was another intelligent way of freeing space.
The Drink Baotic logo received two significant updates.
– Firstly the O was gently updated to suggest that it was the fruit of a Baobab tree.
-Most magically, the t and i of Drink Baotic were modified to create the suggestion of a mother touching her young child’s head.
A beautifully evocative update to the logo.
Looking for a Successful Retail Branding Solution? Let’s Talk.