Drink Baotic: Retail Branding Case-Study

Retail Branding Case-Study Cover



The Brief

Drink Baotic is a UK-based company. They produce prebiotic drinks based on the Baobab super fruit from The Gambia. Their drink is dairy free, gluten free and comes in four unique flavours. It has a truly distinctive taste and is packed with nutrients exceptional for gut health and overall well-being.

As Drink Baotic were aiming for national (and eventual international) expansion, the organisation were looking for a strategic retail branding overhaul. We were delighted to be given the opportunity to assist.


The Result

The results were emphatic with updated retail branding helping Drink Baotic to…

– Attract greater interest from ‘targeted’ investors.

– Get their drinks onto the shelves of several national retailers.

– Bring more fans to the brand online and offline.


How We Did It

Our worked focussed on creating sector-leading packaging design solutions. This was achieved by…

– Creating a strong visual identity celebrating Drink Baotic’s Gambian roots, in a modern way.

– Producing a highly evocative and story-telling logo design.

– Crafting a hieroglyphic-inspired patterned background.

– Designing Baobab themed icons.

– Intelligently integrating the vast no of positive health benefits of the drink into the packaging designs.

– Repurposing each of the ideas above across all packaging solutions and social media channels.

Looking for a Successful Retail Branding Solution? Let’s Talk.



Retail Branding Project Images

Drink Baotic Evocative Packaging Hero Image

The extremely bold packaging designs, we created with Drink Baotic, were game-changing for the company. ‘On-the-shelf success’ allowed the organisation to on-board new retail partners, critical for the business. And also key to attracting new investors.


The packaging designs have been overwhelmingly well received from a number of the UK’s top business leaders. Namely, Richard Reed, the Founder of Innocent Smoothies and Sir Richard Branson, iconic entrepreneur and Founder of The Virgin Group. Pictured here with Drink Baotic’s Co-Founders Paul and Isatou.


The initial packaging designs were for 250ML bottles, before a late shift in the packaging requirements. Our lead designer Marek went to painstaking lengths to intelligently integrate as many of the health benefits into the packaging designs as possible.


Throughout this process, we implemented the following, with each action buying up crucial millimetres of spaces.

– The creation of ultra-high quality assets such as the logo and textured pattern created a strong visual hierarchy which gives a stronger impression of space.

– The use of headings and sub-heading provide more visual structure, again giving designers more space to play with.

– The mixing of different font styles and sizes once again created more dynamic compositions freeing up space to include more information.

– Finally, small items such as ‘I’m Fruity Please Shake’ being layered was another intelligent way of freeing space.


Many of the retail branding solutions created for the initial packaging were expanded throughout a wider range.


We benchmarked our selected solution, as well as those that were overlooked, incessantly, working incredibly hard to ensure that the Drink Baotic packaging solutions we created would have more than enough impact to make somebody want to pick it up off the shelves. These benchmarking exercises were carried out, almost daily for a period, using existing smoothie drinks and print outs of our packaging concepts.


The Drink Baotic logo received two significant updates.
– Firstly the O was gently updated to suggest that it was the fruit of a Baobab tree.

-Most magically, the t and i of Drink Baotic were modified to create the suggestion of a mother touching her young child’s head.

A beautifully evocative update to the logo.


As is commonplace with THE LOFT studio, we created an extremely wide range of retail branding concepts. Other versions showcased the baobab super-fruit in a more prominent way. The versions above also have different icon treatments, a more avant-garde presentation of icons and colourful backdrops.



Our team, led by the brilliant Marek Brol, carried out an extremely thorough investigation into African and Gambian culture. There was a focus on the contemporary, particularly how other brands were interpreting Gambian culture with art, graphics, branding and in other forms of packaging design.



Looking for a Successful Retail Branding Solution? Let’s Talk.


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