Scottish Leather Group: Marketing Performance Case-Study


The Brief

Scottish Leather Group are one of Europe’s largest leather producers. The organisation has one of the finest sustainability track-records in the industrial sector. This includes significant achievements with emissions reduction, energy savings and plant investment.

With ‘sustainability’ becoming ever more important in the marketplace, the organisation wanted to better leverage their achievements to reach more people, tell their story in a more compelling way and support the Group’s wider commercial objectives.


The Results

Over 3 years, we helped Scottish Leather Group to…

– Set new standards across the organisation for quality, efficiency & particularly with marketing ROI.

– Position the organisation globally as a ‘Sustainability Leader.’

– Enhanced the brand’s reputation in key aerospace/automotive sectors.


How We Did It

To truly maximise marketing performance, we decided that it was essential to ‘sweat the assets.’ This was achieved by…

– Dramatically leveraging every stat, story and creative asset available.

– Ensuring every single creative asset produced could be used and re-used over multiple campaigns.

– Dramatically increasing the number of outlets for content created.

– Transferring every successful marketing tactic learned across all of the SLG brands over 3 years.

We also…

– Introduced innovative storytelling infographics.

– Brought a more human touch to communications.

– Put forward a long-term plan for the overall sustainability project.

– Transferred every marketing lesson learned across multiple SLG brands over 3 years.

This work helped the marketing and leadership teams of Scottish Leather Group to…

– Maximise their return on both monetary/time investments.

– Reach more of the organisation’s stakeholders – organisation leaders, employees, customers, suppliers and shareholders.

– Engage each of those stakeholders on a much deeper level.

If you would like to find out more…




Project Images & Testimonials



Creating a much wider series of touch-points was one of the key ways that we were able to increase engagement and maximise marketing performance. Re-purposing content across both digital and print formats was also invaluable in enhancing the ROI of creative work.


The potency of the infographics were a key part of the overall project. We were able to re-use these creative assets multiple times over. This also allowed for a more content-focussed series of reports.


We used every angle possible to tell a more compelling story.



Animated infographics show the versatility of the work produced for Scottish Leather Group.


Producing a bank of beautiful art-directed photos was incredibly helpful. We focussed on capturing the magic of the plant production alongside ‘sustainability-focussed’ art-directed photography.


A 5-Year plan was produced to make the ‘Sustainability Report’ itself more sustainable.


Less resource intensive versions were created in following years. The focus on storytelling infographics remained.


Many of the working practices we used were transferred across other SLG brands including with Muirhead Leather.


Our work with SLG extend to this beautiful set-piece project carried out with Bridge of Weir Leather’s colour team.


We had great fun working with Scottish Leather Group over a period of more than 3 years.



Want to learn how sustainability can drive your marketing performance? Contact us to explore how we can help you maximise ROI and grow your business with smarter marketing strategies…


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